Frenectomies in Midwest City, OK

For some, breastfeeding can be a wonderful time to bond with your child. For others, it can be a painful, frustrating experience that leaves you feeling drained. If you’re wondering if there’s a better way, the answer is yes. Frenectomies can help keep you comfortable and ensure your child is getting proper nutrition while feeding.

Does my child really need a frenectomy?

Being told that your infant needs a surgical procedure can sound scary, but frenectomies are simple, safe, and effective with minimal aftercare. Plus, with a conservative approach to pediatric dentistry, your doctor will only recommend frenectomies when they deem them necessary. If you’ve been struggling with breastfeeding or noticing popping or clicking sounds while your child is feeding, it may be time to come in for a frenectomy consultation.

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The Benefits of Frenectomies

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The Frenectomy Process

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Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Did you know?

Tongue ties occur in 4-11% of newborns.

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